You are reading: Producer of the Year 2021: Fremantle Octopus
calculating... October 20, 2021

Producer of the Year 2021: Fremantle Octopus

Fremantle Octopus crowned the 2021 West Australian Good Food Guide 'Producer of the Year' as voted by the Chef's at this years West Australian Good Food Guide Awards.

The West Australian Good Food Guide (WAGFG) is the definitive guide to eating and drinking in Western Australia.

Returning after a two-year hiatus, the 2021 West Australian Good Food Guide Awards wasn’t just an opportunity to celebrate the hospitality sector, its high achievers and those from the worlds of primary production, winemaking, and brewing, but also a chance to introduce an evolution of this decade-old fixture, the only independent state-based guide in Australia.

“The Awards demonstrate how deep the talent pool in WA really is,”

Georgia More, WAGFG Director

On the night, held at the sensational Optus Stadium, a moving welcome to country by Millie Penny and the Middar Yorga group set the tone for what was the Industry event of the year.

Food on the night was provided by WA’s finest producers in Fremantle Octopus, Leeuwin Coast, Rose Mallee, Harvey Beef, Shark Bay Scallops, Glacier 51 Toothfish and Linley Valley Pork.

The highlight for the night for the Fremantle Octopus team was being announced winners of the ‘Producer of the Year’ as voted by WA’s top Chefs, and the award presented by the Hon. Alannah Mactiernan Minister for Regional Development; Agriculture and Food; Hydrogen Industry.

The award was accepted by Fremantle Octopus Managing Director Glenn Wheeler, General Manager Emma Davison, Production Manager Jane van der Brugge and Brand & Marketing Manager Hudson Wheeler.

“The West Australian Good Food Guide is without peer as Western Australia’s premier hospitality industries platform. It promotes and showcases our great Local Producers, Chefs, Restaurants & Bars and of course the unbelievably talented people who make it all come together.

It was an honour for Fremantle Octopus to be crowned Chef’s Choice ‘Producer of the Year’ at The West Australian Good Food Guide Awards for 2021. The award is very highly regarded, both from those within the hospitality industry and consumers generally. In our case, it is a testament to the passionate hard-working and dedicated Fremantle Octopus team as we endeavour to set world best standards.

Unlikesome otherawards, the WA Good Food Guide Awards can’t be swayed in your favour by sponsorships, entry fees or nomination fees – awards are purely awarded to the absolute best in their category. As such, itspeaks volumesto the credibility and cache theWA Good FoodGuide providesto those judgedthe best of the best, in the hospitality industry.”

– Glenn Wheeler, Fremantle Octopus Managing Director 

Truly a proud moment for the entire Fremantle Octopus team.

Congratulations to all the winners, as well as a huge thank you must go to Georgia Moore and The West Australian Good Food Guide team.

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