You are reading: Be Adventurous
calculating... October 26, 2020

Be Adventurous

There are some ingredients that we order the moment we see them on the menu, but they feel too tough to tackle at home. Octopus is often one of these ingredients.

Spring Food Trends: Buy West Eat Best

Luckily, there are producers such as Fremantle Octopus which make your life a little easier.

With tenderising the occy being one of the most difficult processes (So it doesn’t;t come our with a chewing gum texture), Fremantle Octopus produce comes already tenderised.

Or for something really simple, there is a marinated option to mix through pasta with tomato, garlic or chilli or to serve Spanish style with Chorizo and Potato.


Written by Jade Jurewicz
The West Australian Newspaper

October 1 2020

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